Jun 16Liked by Becca Parsons

Finally baked this and it turned out delicious ❣️

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I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

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Jun 24Liked by Becca Parsons

Your intro here and your note the other day made me think you might be struggling with perfectionism, which truly affects us all (even if we don't think it does) because it can take certain unexpected guises. One of them is all-or-nothing thinking: if it can't be how I envisioned it, I shouldn't even start. And that's just BS if we are focusing on the bottom line, the end goal.

I think the best and most effective way to begin overcoming perfectionism is to start a timer (like 10-15 minutes) and work within that time and only that time, and then notice and appreciate the amount of work you were able to get done within that time. I do this a lot with menial housekeeping tasks that I'd like to procrastinate (procrastination can often be a form of perfectionism as well).

I have a lot of other tips and tricks for beating perfectionism that I've picked up, but the timer might work with writing as well. For writing, I aim for 500 words a day but it's not a hard and fast rule--just a guideline, mostly so I know when I can stop. For writing in particular, I can also recommend "Everybody Writes" by Ann Handley which I encountered here on Substack several months ago. It's really, really helpful for breaking down the process of content creation and especially for getting through, and later refining, the "Ugly First Draft" as she calls it. Ever since I discovered her framework, I've been using it for every post and have seen a massive improvement in the quality of my writing, as well as my reach, and my own confidence in what I'm putting out.

I love rhubarb and would love to try this cake! Thanks for sharing!

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Hey Catie! Yes, I massively struggle with perfectionism, it’s been something that I have struggled with pretty much my whole life. It’s a tricky thing to manage with two unpredictable little ones in the mix. I will try the timer method! But my main frustration at the moment is that it seems like I don’t even get 5 or 10 minutes uninterrupted because both girls are needing a lot from me right now…I think I mainly just need to lower my expectations of what I can get done but my oh my it’s hard.

Thank you so much for your kind advice and thoughtful comment ♥️

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I hear you! ❤️ Have you heard of Create Anyway by Ashlee Gadd? I just finished it about a month ago. It’s so encouraging and very practical for finding ways and motivation to keep creating in the margin… even when that looks like scribbling alongside your kids while they’re taking a bath, or sitting in your car parked in the driveway. You might enjoy it! You got this 🤗

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